Feb 21, 2011

$$ MoneyMoney Talk $$

Now is the time when everyone is thinking of the most creative ways to survive. I had I think around rm2. So, I just told my mum bout that. And being a cool mum, she said "Ok"... Ngehehehe~
I don't expect much actually. Food not really the issue. A friend of mine survived for 4 days without food.
What makes me any different?
Haha... but that's a bit unbelievable to say I can be like that friend of mine. I have ridiculous appetite. Everybody knows that. I eat what I wanna eat. Takut kepunan...haha.
But, I'm just being careful with the thoughts of the money won't flow happily into my account on payday which is 24th February 2011. 

"For everyone, there's always the first time."

Last month,
I had this experience where I lost my money for the first time in my life. I put it inside my wallet which I brought to work. Then, I only realise it when I wanna pay for my friend at a store nearby my hostel. Mo tulung urang kunun... Luckily, I'm not alone. So, I act calmly and said "duit kena curi, tak jadi beli la noh". Not much... only rm50 but it is a lot of money when u have no money rite? Plus, it's my mum that gave that. It kinda break my heart so badly.

As soon I reached my room, I called my dad and tell him about my misery. These are our conversation:
My Hero
ME: "Daddy, duit sa hilang"
DAD: "Iya... berapa juta ko hilang?" I went for a good laugh and continued. 
ME: "RM50 ja ba"
DAD: "Baa...jumpalah bomoh...hahahaha"
ME: "Yaiiii.. Nda mau la.. hahahaha..."
DAD: "Ndaa... beraaapa ja ba tu... fikir ratus2 kaa... ribu kaa... Kasi halal seja ba tu... mo buat macamana kan"
ME: "Tapi sa manada duit suda... " 
DAD: "Ba...kestau ja mum ba"
ME: "Nda la... Kamu pun perlu pakai duit juga ba tu"
Then, chit-chat some more, the conversation ended. Of course, I never thought of telling my mum when I'm devastated myself.

I opened up my lappy, then I stared blankly at the screen and clicked "notepad". Then, I typed, 
staring at the desktop
everthing seems so empty
just like empty decoration
And saved "MELANCHOLIC". Never ever used that word before and I don't even know the meaning... lols

The next day, Mum messaged. Lupa2 sudah. Somethin like:
"Sudah bank in RMxx. Simpan bagus2. Terutama time hjg2 bulan. 
Kita xboleh jangka org di sekeliling kan"

My Hero& his girlfriend, the love of his life.

MORAL of the story:
#1  Appreciate& Love your parents. It's for the million reasons under the sun.
#2  Don't bring your wallet to work or keep minimal cash if u have to.
#3  Plan your budget every month. 
#4  Nothin else but seriously, MONEY is so damn importante. 
So, plan ahead. 
Peace out.



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