Apr 28, 2011

But Romeo Didn't Break Juliet's Heart...

We were like Romeo and Juliet.
I thought we'd do anything for each other.
But Romeo didn't break Juliet's heart.                             

I got this quote from somewhere. The words that I typed in the search engine was "Love and hurt quotes".
Gosh... Am I THAT heartbroken? 
Well, I put it in a box... remember?  :p

TO date... Me and W have been together for 9 months. Frankly, I actually thought that I'm getting serious.
Now, while writing this post, I'm waiting for his message with Tamil news in the background.
He took his siesta at 2.48pm and woke up at 5.30pm and SMS me 
but of course I'm still on my bed having my mandatory beauty sleep...{huhu~ beauty ke..?} 
Then, I woke up at 6.51pm and SMS him right away but he hasn't reply me yet. 
Pheww.. I'm starting to get curious why it took him so long to SMS me. 
Is he doing something else? Is he ok? 
The worst thing that came into my mind, "Is he holding other lady right this sec?"

Hmm... I felt like writing this because I felt uneasy.
I don't wanna be on something that will break my heart eventually.
In terms of relationship, I am so not expressive like I am now.
I think, I never wonder or care how long the guys before him took their naps 
or hang out with their friends. 
Or at least I trusted someone so much that I went for all-positive-thinking things.

So, WHY now? that I have to care? what he's doing, why he isn't replying my SMS...
Is loving really this hard?

In good and in bad, for better of for worst, I wanna grow old with someone I love.

Apr 22, 2011

FIVE Things That Irritate Me About Same and Opposite Sex

I'm very patient, cool sometimes cold... So, I am rather hard to get angry.
But once I'm irritated means someone really did sometin superrr annoying... Just like this fella...

Same Sex: The Irritating Girls...  

Remember MEAN GIRLS? Well this movie really portrays how girls should not be. I mean, being crazy(in a good way) is fun but wrap it somehow with wisdom and with some compassion... Haha...I wonder why am I putting it that way... :D

The 5 things that irritates me about GIRLS are:
1) Girls who talk at my back when I have no case against them or talk bad about my family esp my parents.  Not just girls, anyone. I repeat, ANYONE. I'm very protective of my family. If somebody think of saying stuff about my family, esp the ridiculous ones, stop, buzz off before I rip your head off... or...your panties perhaps?

2) Girls who call me "bitch" or any unacceptable cursing words when I never call 'em like that. "Bitch" is not my choice of word anyway.
3) Girls who cause FRIENDS to argue and doing it obviously. Really irritating when 1 of the TWO FRIENDS rather believe her than searching for the truth.
4) Girls who think they are perfect and no one can be better than them. What's wrong with you huh?
5) Girls who sleep with bestfriend's boyfriend or treat her boyfriend as her PROPERTY? Gosh~

Moving on...

Opposite Sex: Annoying Boys...   

1) Boys that love to bring me down, joking heartlessly or says plain ridiculous things not just to me but to everyone that they meet.
2) Boys that hurt their parents esp their mother or their sisters. Or thinking that they punch their girls in the face because of so-called love? Lame.
3) Boys that don't think about other people. E.g: Eat a pregnant nurse's food without her knowing it.
4) Boys that smoke and blow the smoke right to my face or to non-smokers.
5) Boys that look at me, whisper something to their friend and laugh or being whispered while looking at me and laugh. But when I ask why, what's wrong. They simply shake their heads and say nothing. Argh!

Apr 21, 2011

you got new mail! from:SATAN.

just now SATAN send me a letter! and if you are at my page now, it means Satan address this letter to you too..
it can make you mad when you first read it. but then it will make you realize about some things. :)
read it slowly and pay attention to the P.S at the end of the letter.
happy reading!

I saw you yesterday as you began your daily chores.

You awoke without kneeling to pray. As a matter of fact, you didn't even bless your meals, or pray before going to bed last night.

You are so unthankful, I like that about you.

I cannot tell you how glad I am that you have not changed your way of living, Fool, you are mine. heh.

Remember, you and I have been going steady for years, and I still don't love you yet.

As a matter of fact, I hate you, because I hate God.

He kicked me out of heaven, and I'm going to use you as long as possible to pay him back.

You see, Fool, GOD LOVES YOU and HE has great plans in store for you.

But you have yielded your life to me, and I'm going to make your life a living hell.

That way, we'll be together twice. This will really hurt God.

Thanks to you, I'm really showing Him who's boss in your life with all of the good times we've had.

We have been...
watching dirty movies, cursing people out, loving worldly things, having bad influences, stealing, lying, being hypocritical, fornicating, overeating, telling dirty jokes, gossiping, being judgmental, back stabbing people, disrespecting adults, and those in leadership positions, no respect for the Church, bad attitudes.

SURELY you don't want to give all this up.

Come on, Fool, let's burn together forever. I've got some hot plans for us. This is just a letter of appreciation from me to you.

I'd like to say 'THANKS' for letting me use you for most of your foolish life.

You are so gullible, I laugh at you. When you are tempted to sin, you give in.

HA HA HA, you make me sick.

Sin is beginning to take its toll on your life. You look 20 years older, and now, I need new blood.

So go ahead and teach some children how to sin.

All you have to do is smoke, get drunk or drink while under-aged, cheat, gamble, gossip, fornicate, and live being as selfish as possible.

Do all of this in the presence of children and they will do it too. Kids are like that.

Well, Fool, I have to let you go for now. I'll be back in a couple of seconds to tempt you again. If you were smart, you would run somewhere, confess your sins, and live for God with what little bit of life that you have left.

It's not my nature to warn anyone, but to be your age and still sinning, it's becoming a bit ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I still hate you.


P.S. If you love me, you won't share this

Apr 16, 2011

:::A Futuristic... ME:::

R.I.P dear Kurt Cobain 

This is my actual boyfriend... {or not}
Kurt Cobain is one of the heartthrobs that was and gonna be in the heart and mind of millions of people worldwide now and perhaps in the future as well... only God knows :)

There are many things that I used to want in my future.
There are some things that I want 10 years ago that I don't want anywmore now.

I remembered... back in primary school... Teachers used to update student's particulars which include AMBITIONS. And we can choose 3.
I told my teacher, I wanna be a doctor, a stewardess(hahaha... macam x layak ja!) and the most suprising choice was.. "Cikgu, saya mau jadi sister(a Christion religious or nun)". Judging by my teacher's expression, I can tell that she was shocked at first.... haha~ I can't find the reason why... :D
That was then.

Being Assistant Medical Officer in the making, I've seen what's the life of doctor(or officially called as Medical Officer) has to offer. Couldn't explain much of the intense pressure, workloads and other stuff.
Once in a while, I wanna be as cool as the doctors. But at the end of the day, I feel really blessed that I've got to be trained as someone that matched almost similar to my personality.

STEWARDESS? Urmm.. NAaahh~ I think I'll be just fine with AMO's job.

I still can be a sister. It's all about 'The Calling'. It won't be easy. It means leaving everything in the world and devoting to God.

Back to the FUTURE thingy,
of course I want to lead a successful life at all aspects - my life, my faith, my family...
At this point of my life, I'm starting to build my future for everything that I do, all the efforts that I invest will reflects the person I'd be.

So, whatever it is, how my future will be crafted as, I choose to leave everything at His hands. :)

Made by Lena