Feb 28, 2011

Me, a BUNDLE freak!

Few days ago, I brought DK to pasar pagi at Kg. Berjaya. Well, I thought she'll love the place which she did. It's like a paradise for antique collectors or even vintage lovers.
We went there around 7am and thank God, we came early. I said to DK the night before, "kita harus awal, takut telepas barang bagus". 

I dashed in many stalls and got myself a big plastic bag with 6 shirts and 1 pants.
It all cost RM22. Cheap~cheap rite... DK also got herself some items that got her grinning all day,comics and a bag.

Well, I'm a bundle generation. Sabahan also refers bundle as 'Rombengan'.

Believe it or not, my mom also has turned to "Penchenta Rombengan" as well because back in our place in Tawau, there are several hotspots for bundle lovers selling many used items including curtains, beddings, etc.

Then, I continued my quest in lookin' for Bundles store in Kedah. 
The cherry on top of my cake is RM15 Burberry tee to wrap up my day.


  1. where is kg berjaya.. bring me next time!!!!!! saya pun mau tgk mcm mana tu buddle..

  2. harussss pg..... Sana dkt sentosa... Tp hrus pg awal. Kmi plan mo pg lg jumaat ni..

  3. sy pun mo pigi.. jgn lupa bawa sy next tym yer.. sy bkn penchenta bundle tp sy penchenta barang murah! hahahaha.. cheappy!

  4. Hahaha... baiikkk... nnt pasti akan disaun..

  5. EMM.. hari brapa tu ada tu? sama spt shery.. bukan pencinta buddle tapi di mana ada murah pasti ada saya...

  6. EMM.. hari brapa tu ada tu? sama spt shery.. bukan pencinta buddle tapi di mana ada murah pasti ada saya...

  7. ari jumaat jo.siap2 jak..xpayah mandi bilang c mar..chill la babe



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