Oct 20, 2011

H o b b y

Just very recently, I found out that I don't know what my hobbies are.
I love photography but I don't have a camera. (Belum ada duit kan... huhu)
But I always make full use of my phone camera anyway. Still grateful cause at least there is something to use for important moments anytime, anywhere.

Being puzzled about hobbies, I was like "Gosh.. Am I that boring?"
Now, I actually figured out why I tend to feel bored very easily and why I actually agreed to Thomas Carlyle's quote: "I've got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom".

Back in my school years, I remembered answering question about hobby or favorite pastime with surfing the internet. That was sooo blue skirt n white T's time.
For now, I consider it as necessity. Not something that I love to do actually, kind of like...a habit.
After work, when absolutely, totally NOTHING to do. And much needed for my study.

I have talked to few friends about this. And started to do stuff that I might like. What my friends can stay complete rest in bed just to lay their eyes on like loads of movies, anime, serial soap opera, novel, comics.
Though final exam is in about two weeks time and people are telling me to start my revision, nevermind..

So, girls& boys, wake up and find out what your hobby really is. Before u die of boredom. Of course when it attacks u. :)

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