Sep 24, 2010

Musix& Indie

I love music. But, growing up in a not-so-musical family (eventhough my Dad, brothers& sister have their magical hands with guitars but still, they are not musicians or really addicted to musics), I never had a chance to learn playing guitar or any kind of musical instrument. And that's actually making my heart sooo like... "Bidanya...xtau men apa2"

Yea... I do sing...a lot! I sing at the church, choir(any choir that I can join), karaoke, room, bathroom, toilet, bus, car, etc.
But singing alone doesn't soothe my musical heart.(quite silly choice of word kan.. antam

I love ROCK musics. Bands? too many to mention.
Others, it really do depends on my mood. What I'll definitely go through in a song;
genre& lyric. We'll know whether the singer really sings his/her heart out because it touches soul.
But today, I wanna write about Indie musics.

I love Indie musics. Indie comes from the word "Independent" as in one person or a group of people is not associated in any form with any recording company.

And this is what I've Wiki-ed.

In popular musicindependent music, often shortened to indie music or "indie", is a term used to describe independence from major commercial record labels and an autonomous, Do-It-Yourself approach to recording and publishing.

Well, the thought of writing about musics and Indie is because I've always enjoy browsing YouTube. The thing I always want to search for is new video from random people. I dunno whether anyone noticed, but there are sure a lot of talented people in this world especially in our dearest Malaysia.

One day, I hope I can play in a band. Not necessarily as a singer but as a guitarist or drummer or apa2 la.
If I can finally rest my fingers on guitar frets or drum sticks, I'll post it... I'll sure be freakin happy...hoho.

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